Explore some of our projects by industry.
Trusted by 200+ Australia/New Zealand Customers

Australian Food and Fibre
AgricultureClevvi accessed real time ERP system data and overlaid this information on a device camera feed to a phone or tablet. The solution uses AR which shows product, weight and expiry in tubs using unique QR “license plates” instantly visually highlights expired product. The technologies included QR codes, computer vision/AR, Bluetooth/UWB, and data integration.

Food Production
Transforming a complex, Excel-based model into a user-friendly web and mobile application that can cater to a userbase with wide-ranging computer literacy and allows continuous updates and easy maintenance by SRA staff.

Sugar Research Australia
AgricultureThe challenge to collect data from existing factory equipment, send to the cloud and also to structure and interpret the collected data to provide an easy-to-read, insightful and actionable visualisation, and identify the correct data points to enable remote equipment performance monitoring and cost-efficient to run and maintain.